
Books I Love From Genres I Dislike

Let’s talk about some paradoxes, shall we!?

I’ve been very vocal about my dislike for certain type of genres, and certain types of books on this blog. I’ve talked on and on about how I’ve slowly started disliking a lot of genres I earlier used to enjoy – a result of changing and evolving reading tastes. All the genres mentioned below are ones I used to voraciously read, but am completely getting over now.

However, since I used to read so much from these genres before, I do have some favorites from each. Some books which are exceptions for me – from that genre – and which I consider worth reading.

YA Contemporary

I’ll Give You the Sun is easily my favorite YA contemporary novel ever, mainly because it resonated with me on a personal level in the portrayal of the sibling relationship. Eleanor and Park is a bittersweet love story, and will always remain a beloved book. Since You’ve Been Gone made me come to terms with my character, and was a rollercoaster of emotions and growing up. The mystery and eeriness of We Were Liars made it a major hit with me, and Fangirl portrayed the most relatable character I’ve ever read till date.

Wrecked was a recent read, and what a surprise. Dealing with heavy topics and an important message, it is a must read for everyone. Where She Went (sequel to If I Stay) was beautiful, and exactly what I wanted to read at the age of 14. Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour sparked my love for road trips, and was a marvellous book. The Hate U Give was a groundbreaking novel with a powerful impact and resonant story. As for Forbidden, the sheer intensity and sadness of the story had me sold.




The Raven Cycle series is probably my second favorite YA fantasy series ever, mainly for the breathtaking writing, whimsical storylines and beautiful characterization. The Vampire Academy series is a fun, dramatic, guilty-pleasure read which, even though if I read it now would probably disappoint me, yet it remains a well-loved series to me.


YA Dystopian


The Firebird trilogy is a fast-paced, thrilling series (though I’m yet to read the finale) and its concept and storytelling is what attracted me so much. The Legend trilogy is one of a kind, and absolutely amazing. The Hunger Games pretty much set the stage for YA dystopian becoming a popular genre, and it’s totally worth all the hype. The Shatter Me trilogy (now, a series!) is another guilty-pleasure read which I admit, has problems, but I cannot help but love to death.

New Adult


Yes, Colleen Hoover books are problematic. But I devour her books nevertheless and It Ends With Us is by far my favorite. I more or less have enjoyed all her books, but this book was absolutely amazing.

Romance (YA/Adult)


By far, my favorite romance book. Annie’s Song is one of the few books which has made me cry, and the beauty of this story will always remain one of my favorites.

So these are all the books I absolutely love, from genres I dislike! These books are all part of my favorites, and I have loved reading them :)) Have you read any of these books? What are your favorite books from these genres?

16 thoughts on “Books I Love From Genres I Dislike

  1. I’m hoping to read THUG soon, it sounds like a YA that everyone must read. I have a few of these faves myself…..might have to steal your idea. lol


  2. I loved the Hunger Games although it isn’t something I would have picked up usually. I agree, it’s definitely worth the hype.

    As a general rule I don’t like anything horror based… Everything I’ve come across so far is so predictable there’s no chance of it being scary because you know what’s going to happen already. On the other hand, I’ve recently discovered Stephen King’s writing and I love it so I’m going to give it a chance. It’s nice to find some hidden treasures where you least expect!


    1. I absolutely hate horror – mainly because I get scared VERY easily. I read one Stephen King book once and that was it for me and this genre. The reason I didn’t mention it in this post is because horror is a genre I don’t read at all, so there comes no question of like or dislike. And yes, the Hunger Games is definitely amazing :)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Same about Vampire Academy!! I absolutely ate that series up when I first read it, but I’m not so sure if I read it for the first time today if I would feel the same way haha! I still enjoy all the good memories of it tho :P


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