Lists · Meme/Event

Top Ten Tuesday : Ten Bookish People You Should Follow on Social Media

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/event hosted by The Broke and the Bookish wherein, each week, a new topic is announced and bloggers participate in that and put up their own lists. Today’s topic is : “Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter/Instagram/Youtube/Snapchat/Facebook”.

Now, I am pretty active on both YouTube and Instagram (and WordPress too of course) but I still could not come up with a list of 10 :( Mainly, I do not think any particular bookstagrammer stands out – I feel like all bookstagrammers put up perfect pictures and I could not possibly choose the best amongst them. However, I do have a lot of favorite YouTubers I’m eager to talk about. So let’s just get into the list!




He’s hilarious, he’s regular and he makes even the most boring videos interesting. I’m not a huge fan of all those typical hyper-active, always-squealing, super-excited YouTubers but somehow I’m never annoyed by him. His videos are exciting, informative and he’s a fun, charming person.



Most of the books he reads are outside the YA genre (which most BookTubers focus on) and he brings variety and freshness to the same old YA booktube content. He’s intellectual and his opinion on books and bookish things is really amazing. I love that he’s so soft-spoken and yet gets his point across so well. One of my top favorite booktubers.



She’s adorable, fun and another booktuber who adds variety to the general YA content. All of her videos are informative as well as enjoyable to watch, and another thing I really love about her channel are all her journalling videos. Really helps me stay motivated to journalling.


Ariel Bissett

She’s cool, outspoken and very bold in her advice, which I love. She seems genuinely excited about the books she talks about, and she’s super innovative, what with this amazing Bookshelf Tour she came up with. It was SO new and interesting!



She’s smart, interactive and her videos interesting. She speaks about a variety of books, especially now that she’s not reading YA in 2016, I get to know about a lot of amazing books from her.

Book Blogs


Epic Reads

There’s no way you haven’t heard of Epic Reads. All the latest information, all the latest hype and more such exciting things! It’s a great blog to follow, and provides a wide range of information about different things regarding books.


Book Riot

Another blog you can’t have not heard it’s name. Famous for shows, events, podcast, and the classic book blog contents, Book Riot it your best destination for all book-related things!

That was it for all my favorite people/pages to follow on social media. SHARE SOME OF YOURS!

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