
I’m Alive. // 26 Bookish Facts About Me You Probably Aren’t That Interested In (A-Z Bookish Questions)

So yes!! I’m alive and hale and hearty and pretty much good, in case anyone was wondering why the hell I haven’t posted in the last 6 days. This probably has been the longest break I’ve taken since I revamped my blog in April 2016 – except, that it wasn’t a break. I have literally no concrete reason as to why I haven’t posted in the last few days, it just didn’t happen. I was (kinda) out of post ideas, busy with a national debate I had yesterday (which was awesome) and just in general, tired and busy with life. I would wake up everyday thinking that maybe I’d blog today, but then the day would pass and then I’d think “Okay, well, tomorrow then” and then the the next day the same would happen. Phew.

But you’ll probably see a few simultaneous posts the next few days, because I have a review to write, my July Wrap Up, August TBR and a discussion in mind (which I’m still thinking whether to post or not). It’s about romanticizing mental illness, and I’d love to know whether you’d like to read my brief  thoughts on this issue in books.

Now, since I didn’t really want to write such a short and uninteresting, unimportant post, I thought I’d do something I’ve never done before on this platform – bookish facts/questions! I’ve never before done something like this, and this looks like fun so here I am!

A-Z Bookish Questions!

Author you’ve read the most books from :

 Funnily enough, my most-read author is an author whose books I used to devour in childhood. *drumroll please* Enid Blyton. I owe the most important part of my life to her, for writing books which excited me in childhood, and impel me to keep lovingly glancing at them on my bookshelves even today. In spite of all the hate I’ve heard of her, she will always remain to be one of my most-loved, most-respected author.

Best sequel ever:

I recently read this book, so I have to mention it here. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. (Click here for review!) No sequel has attracted, compelled and addicted me to such an extent. This was the very best.

Currently reading:

I’ve just begun with This Savage Song by Victoria Shwab and have been reading Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami since the last, like four-ish days. Both books, so far, are pretty darn good.

Drink of choice while reading:

I don’t have any particular choice of drink while reading, in specific. All the drinks I love, I can have while enjoying a book, so no specific answer.

E-reader or physical book:

Physical books, I buy for the sake of collection and book-gazing and petting, and smelling and holding them in my hands. But, practically, I prefer an ebook for its convenience, ease, and highlighting and annotating benefits. I also seem to read much more faster on my kindle, than if I am reading a physical book. That is the main reason why I still read a majority of my books on my kindle, in spite of regularly buying new books.

Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school:

Frank Porter, from Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson. Or Levi, from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. These two are my favorite YA contemporary male leads, and I would’ve totally dated them. Realistically speaking, there are a lot more fiction guys I would love to date/I have a crush on but dating? These two are at the top.

Glad you gave this book a chance:

There are so many books I’m glad I gave a chance. I have a habit of downloading books that look mildly interesting and starting them randomly, and there are a ton of books which I have started that way, and then ended up loving. The Vegetarian by Han Kang (Click for review!) is one of the latest of such reads. I hadn’t really made up my mind to read it, but I downloaded it and once I read the first paragraph, I was hooked!

Hidden gem book:

The one underrated book which falls among my ‘favorites’ list of books is Annie’s Song by Catherine Anderson. It’s a beautiful, emotional love story and it completely changed my perception about historical romance as a genre, but also made me stop reading that genre. You see, before reading that book, I used to read a ton of romantic, sexy HR novels but this book changed me. After this book, I knew I couldn’t get back to that genre if the book wasn’t as good as this and didn’t move me as much as this.

Irritated by:

Overdramatic love stories. There are quite a few things in books I get irritated by, but off the top of my mind, overdramatic love stories is definitely one the most irritating things. I don’t like any kind of drama, in real life or in books, and especially if it’s romantic drama, oh I’m SO done with it.

Just finished:

All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood. It’s a YA contemporary novel, releasing on August 9th, and I received it from NetGalley for an honest review. I have mixed feelings, and a lot of thoughts on this book, so keep an eye out for my review! (It’ll probably be out by tomorrow).

Kind of books you won’t read:

Horror. Just, nope.

Longest book you’ve read:

A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. At 1474 pages, it’s the longest book I’ve read, and It was a really good book, for that matter.

Major book hangover because of:

Recently, (and I hate repeating answers, but) ACOMAF put me in a major book hangover.

Number of bookcases you own:

Okay, fun fact! I don’t own any bookcases/shelves. I have a study table which is topped by two shelves divided into four compartments, which stores a few of my books. The rest of my books are stacked in a random order on the loft in my room. Yeah. Life is sad.

One book you read multiple times:

Back in my Twilight-obsession days, I used to read the series over and over again. Thank God, I grew up. But, my most-read book is probably Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Favorite classic, and the one book which keeps changing meaning and my perception.

Preferred place to read: 

Anywhere comfortable and without any noise works for me.

Quote you like from a book you read:

You don’t get to choose whether you get hurt in this world or not. But you do have some say in who hurts you” – Augustus Waters. (I’m quoting this from memory so please ignore any error).

I am not a huge fan of the book, but this quote has stuck with me over the years.

Reading regret:

Oh, so many. But the one book which jumps to my mind is Tangled by Emma Chase. I’ve read a lot of bad books in my life, but this one’s one of the worsts.

Series you started and need to finish:

The Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer. The series hasn’t been fully released yet, but I really need to read the sixth book.

Three of your all time favorite books:

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer

Unapologetic fangirl for:

I’m trash for the Shatter Me characters. I can’t handle Warner’s sexiness. That’s literally the story of my life.

Very excited for this release more than all the others:

IT ENDS WITH US. Colleen Hoover is my queen, and I’ve been hearing that this is her best book out yet, and THIS IS BEING RELEASED DAY AFTER TOMORROW AND I CANNOT HANDLE IT.

Worst bookish habit:

Bashing a book I didn’t like. A lot of people are very particular about negatively reviewing books they hated/disliked, whereas I usually do a full blown-out rant/bash of the book, which I’m really trying to reduce.

X marks the spot:

Thank you for explaining me what this question means in the comments, Lynn!

The 27th book on my first shelf starting from top left is Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Jodi Picoult is one of my top two favorite authors, but sadly I haven’t yet read this book. Soon, though :)

Your latest book purchase:

Cometh the Hour by Jeffrey Archer and Train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh.

Zzzz Snatcher Book

I’m assuming this means a book which catches your sleep, and for me, the last one to do that would probably be my accounts textbook. Yeah. 😂


So that was it for my bookish facts and answers! Hope you all enjoyed reading them :)

Please do comment below whether you’d like to see my discussion on romanticizing mental illness. 






10 thoughts on “I’m Alive. // 26 Bookish Facts About Me You Probably Aren’t That Interested In (A-Z Bookish Questions)

  1. For x you’re supposed to talk about the 27th book on your first shelf starting from the top left ☺ I have the same habit of trashing books. It’s just hard to be fair when I hate it so much, oops. I would love to see your post on romanticizing mental illnesses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for clarifying! I updated my post :D And yeah, when you hate something so much, it’s difficult not to get brutal about it 😂 and I’ll definitely think about putting that post up!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, planning on writing a post, and then will think whether to post it or not. Most of my discussions get a (few) backlashes from people, but it’s interesting to read others’ opinions.


  2. I would love to hear your talk on romanticizing mental illness! Recently felt that way about Me Before You so I’d love to hear someone else’s take on it.

    Also, I’m with you on overdramatic love stories. Can’t stand them.

    This looks like a cool A-Z by the way! Mind if I steal? :D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll definitely think about putting that post up soon :) I had a discussion on Me Before You in my mind, on a different issue, and I might post that one too.
      Yes, overdramatic love stories are the worst. And ofc not! Please go ahead and do this. I’d love to read your answers :)


  3. Sometimes I think it’s hard (for me, anyway) to tell whether mental illness is being romanticized (unless it’s one of those ‘love heals all illnesses’ bull), because just because my mental illness works one way doesn’t mean it works that way for everyone else, and it makes me wonder if I confuse romanticizim with a different experience. If that makes any sense.


    1. Well I feel that the definiton of ‘romance’ and the extent to which people perceive a book as romanticising mental illness differs from person to person, but personally for me, when the romance of the characters (especially at young ages) is given more improtance than other details of their lives (like the illness) OR when the characters seem to fall in love BECAUSE of their illness, it becomes something I rather not read, because it’s not realistic enough.

      Liked by 1 person

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